So, this is my second part for my study tips and lebih umum. Kalau untuk yang specific for each subject, do check my first part ;)

1. Always focus in your classroom. Seriously, kau kena dengar semua benda yang cikgu kau cakap sebab diorang akan bagi banyak tips untuk soalan exam. Kalau distracted ngan member sebelah kau, find a way untuk jarakkan diri ngan dia sekejap. I know, it sounds weird, but SUCCESS IS ALL ABOUT SACRIFICES. Just sacrifice all the fun for your future.

2. Study consistently. Please, don't burn the midnight oil as the next day, your brain will be tired and won't work efficiently. Aku pernah belajar last minute, and sumpah aku menyesal hahaha. And by the way, kalau nak efisien, try buat timetable. So akan organised sikit kau punya tempoh belajar apa semua.

3. Go for extra classes. Please, do not skip those classes. Kalau cikgu ada buat kelas tambahan, PERGI. JANGAN MALAS. Sebab masa extra class, kau boleh tanya macam2 kat cikgu.

4. Make a study group. Aku dulu ada study group, 5 orang. Setiap orang ada yang pakar dalam certain subject. And kitorang selalu stay back kat library and study sama2. Study group serious best sebab boleh tanya terus kat kawan.

5. Homework is important. I know, it was kinda bit annoying but seriously, it works for me. I did all of my homework and it actually a side-revision for me. 

6. Take a tuition if you can afford it. I went for tuition EVERY NIGHT FROM 8 PM TO 10 PM. It was tiring me, but remember guys, NO PAIN NO GAIN. 

That was all from me. Don't forget to follow me for more exciting topics


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