Captain America : Civil War Review
Hai korang! So, tadi aku ngan member aku dah tengok Civil War and semua show fully booked. And luckily, ada 3D punya je. So, kitorg pun macam "lol apa salahnya sekali sekala hahaha"
Movie ni bab action sumpah awesome. All those fights, kejar2 and etc. semua menjadi. I love those scenes and especially yang masa dorang clash face to face kat airport tu. Yang itu, kita tengok kat trailer pun dah awesome, apatah lagi full scene en. So, tu memang tak dapat dinafikan.
About storyline, hm bolehlaa. Not too good but not too bad. The villain is not powerful enough. Zemo is just a manipulative villain yang untuk memecahbelahkan Avengers disebabkan nak balas dendam because keluarga dia mati masa kat kejadian Sokovia tu. Dalam cerita ni tak nampak sangat peranan villain tu dalam nak pisahkan Avengers. Adalah masa part last tu masa yang dia tunjuk kat Ironman video Bucky bunuh parents dia. And about those other Winter Soldier, agak kecewa ah sebab Zemo just killed them all and diorang tak dapat bawak apa2 kesan kat storyline. I thought dia nak hidupkan balik ke apa en. So, macam x hit sangat ah.
Tony Stark, whoops he changed a lot. Not cheerful like before anymore. Maybe because of feeling guilt kan. Lagi2, lepas ada makcik depan elevator tu marah kat dia kan. lol
About Spiderman, yes! Dia brighten up movie ni. Congrats. It shows the true power of him and watak dia nampak lebih muda. Lagi2 Aunt May ngko muda bhaii. AntMan pun ada role dia dalam team Cap sebab tukar saiz tu kan.
End credit scene, surely nak menunjukkan ada sequel for this movie. And the last part, Captain America ada kat Wakanda, negara asal Black Panther. And about Bucky, aku tatau apa jadi.
Rating : 8/10
Enjoy lah tengok movie ni but hm maybe aku tak faham sangat kot bab storyline dia. Tapi fight scene, memang awesome. Good job.
So, how about you, guys? Do you enjoyed it or just nah.. Do comment and follow me. It would mean a lot for me! If you are interested in Batman V Superman VS Captain America : Civil War, do read my post
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