Living On Others' Expectation
"Kenapa kau tak dapat tu?"
"Kenapa kau perangai camtu?"
Seriously, kenapa sibuk sangat pasal hidup aku?
Hai readers! Living on others' expectation is difficult. Hidup berdasarkan apa yang orang lain nak. Not on what we really really want. I had this experience before and i can't coped with it. Semua benda yang aku buat, aku tak rasa selesa. I keep thinking about what others think about me.
On my mind, hanya berlegar-legar "kalau aku buat ni, nanti apa orang kata?" Aku tak berani nak buat pape. Aku asyik fikir pasal apa orang kata. Sebelum aku buat something pun, aku dah terfikir orang akan cakap apa. I am afraid.
Lama-kelamaan, aku sedar. Kita takkan pernah mampu untuk puaskan hati semua orang. Tapi, kita mampu untuk puaskan hati sendiri. That's what really matters. As long as kita happy, we can always enjoy all things in our life without any doubt. Hidup senang, hati pun sudah tenang loo hahaha. Biarkan apa orang nak kata pasal kau, janji kau tahu apa yang kau buat tu terbaik untuk diri kau sendiri.
So, make it like yours. There is no one can control your life. Diorang boleh pantau, bimbing, nasihat, but last2, semuanya terletak kat diri kita juga. Kita je yang ada hak untuk menentukan apa yang kita nak buat. But, make sure, just do the right thing!
People's thoughts are important so that we won't be doing fool things. Sometimes, they can see what we can't see. Sometimes, we have to take their advice.
And, that's all guys. Ignore what people say. As long as you are happy, it is good. Achieve your own dream.
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